Sunday, March 24, 2013

eBook delay

Hmmm. I said I'd post about a month ago. Obviously, I didn't. There wasn't much to say.

1) I don't have a new computer yet. But -- I plan to buy one next month.

2) I've lost a lot of steam for the project. There's no pressure to get anything done.

3) I've got some new projects going that have nothing to do with the book.

On the other hand, I did do a little bit of work on the Kindle version. I hoped that I could simply follow the directions given on the Kindle Direct Publishing site to change my book file into a Kindle file. So I worked on the file and then had my daughter download the Kindle previewer on her computer. Unfortunately, when I uploaded my file, some parts worked great (the table of contents) but others needed a lot of fixing. (The stars on the title page all turned into "é." Odd things were happening with chapter numbers and my small caps at the beginning of chapters. And other stuff.) I will really need to do more in-depth editing than Kindle thinks.

 So don't expect more news for a while. A month, maybe? In the meantime, if you're interested in an eBook version of Just Like Magic, leave a comment and let me know which format you would like it in (Kindle? EPUB? PDF?). That will help me make decisions later.

Have a good month!