Sunday, July 15, 2012

"Your files are printable"

"Congratulations your files are printable!" That's what the email from CreateSpace said 36 hours after I uploaded the revised cover (centering of spine fixed and kerning played with to my not entire satisfaction* but oh well) and again submitted the book for review. Yes!

I was interested to see that ordering a print copy was not the only way they offered for me to proof the book. They also have a "digital proofer" which  would allow me to view my "fully-formatted book in an online virtual environment." Problem with that option is that it requires the updated Adobe Flash plugin which my computer will not support (same problem as when I originally uploaded my interior file).  I could use the digital proofer at the library, though, because they have the updated Adobe Flash there.

However, CreateSpace also offers a free, downloadable "custom-generated PDF proof that displays your interior pages side by side on a single sheet of paper." Now this I can use immediately, and also send to other people to proof. Nice.

I ordered a print proof copy right away, too (cost me $7.08, and shipping was more than half of that) and was informed within a day that it has already shipped. That's quick printing! I'm impressed.

So now, I get to take a few deep breaths before the book arrives, and then I'll plunge back into the merry world of editing. With the book in my hands! Wow...

I know there will be things to correct, so this whole cycle will have to be gone through again. But I'm still hoping to hit the "Publish" button before the end of August.

*My version of PowerPoint (2004) doesn't have fine controls for kerning. This is something else I can see if library software can help me with.

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